This as a 1:1 ceremony to liberate your womb.

Your womb is your second heart.
A very powerful center where you create life, where your creative power is felt and manifested, where you give birth to all your creative endeavors wether it’s a new business, child or project. Your womb is connected to the Universe and therefore guides you into manifesting your most embodied version.

Womb healing helps you restore your womb to her original innocent state and most potent power. It is suitable for all women, including those who identify as a woman and those who don't have a physical womb (anymore). 

Benefits of a restored and healed womb are:

  • Being connected to your true source of healing, love, creativity, wisdom, intuitive powers and sensuality.

  • Feeling whole and comfortable with all aspects of yourself.

  • Restored wholesome space in your womb to conceive a child.

  • Way more in touch with your creative sexual life force and feminine self.

  • Clarity and the ability to bring our truest manifestations into form.

  • Stronger and clearer boundaries in your work, relationships and life.

  • Womb Healing can help dissolve energy cords of attachment, as well as support emotional healing from losses such as miscarriage, stillbirth, and abortions.

  • Healing the left over energy that is still inside your womb from sexual encounters, sexual abuse, narcissism, other types of abuse, social conditioning, and ancestral patterns.